

All of our trainers are professionally certified, which means they’ve been trained in anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. They understand that no two bodies are alike and will work with you to get fit at the right pace.

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Shay Frazier

Specializations and Certifications
Personal Trainer, AAA Certified Spin Instructor Marathon Trainer Sports Conditioning
Weight Management
Strength Training

Shay Frazier has a passion for fitness and for helping people realize their potential to live a happier and healthier life. Originally from Colorado,and a graduate from Colorado State University, Shay moved to Bend in 2005 and began her career as a personal trainer. As an athlete Shay has successfully competed in 70.3 Ironman Triathlons, marathons, CycleCross, Down Hill Mountain Bike Racing, and of course the Pole Pedal Paddle! Shay and her husband Jon have two young kids, Grey and Reese!


Steve Utzman

Specializations and Certifications
Personal Trainer, ACSM Certified Russian Kettlebell Certified Steel Club Specialist Rock Steady Boxing Coach

Originally from Southern California, Steve comes from a strong background in engineering and technical management, working in the semiconductor industry. As a X-C skier and cyclist, he made a career change eleven years ago. After volunteering as an OHSU-intern working with children with Spina Bifida and Cerebral Palsy, and personally experiencing his own rehabilitation from a shattered patella, Steve combined his passion for corrective exercise with strong analytical skills in the pursuit to apply science to fitness!


Kayley Eddy

Specializations and Certifications
Personal Trainer Pilates and Yoga Spin Instructor Group Fitness

Kayley has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Washington, where she played volleyball. Upon finishing her competitive volleyball career, she moved to Nevada to pursue a career in advertising. Juggling career and family provided an opportunity to return to her passion of sports and fitness. Kayley currently holds certifications in personal training, mat and reformer based pilates, yoga, spinning, and group fitness. Kayley is consistently learning new techniques and practices in the fitness arena to keep her clients engaged and moving toward their goals. Kayley also specializes in chronic pain clients. Kayley is an outstanding trainer that makes working out fun!


Spencer Newell

Specializations and Certifications
Personal Trainer, IFA Certified Triathlon Coaching
Sports Conditioning
Strength & Resistance Training

Spencer Newell brings to Rise Fitness a 30+ year career in competitive endurance sports including Cross-country skiing, road cycling, ultra-running, and Triathlon. At the age of 39, he is currently in the midst of chasing his childhood dream of becoming a professional endurance athlete. Apart from his athletic endeavors, Spencer is also the author of his personal memoir, Appetite for Addicition, as well as co-founder of his health and wellness/lifestyle coaching business, Novo Veritas. Originally from Massachusetts, Spencer has claimed Oregon as his home since the time he graduated St. Lawrence University in 2002.

Mark Wellington

Specializations and Certifications

Personal Trainer, NSCA Certified

Master's Degree in Health & Exercise Science

Chronic Pain Reduction/Elimination

Sport Specific Training (Junior and Adult)

Weight Management

Live Better for Longer

Mark is originally from Essex, England and moved to the US on a tennis scholarship for University. Along with his wife, Melissa, they are a recent transplant to Bend from Miami, FL.

Mark brings a successful 15 year career in personal fitness, sports specific training, and health and wellness to RISE. He has a broad range of experience from regular fitness warriors wanting to look and feel great, to professional athlete training and junior athletic development.

His biggest passion is helping people feel amazing and live well. Mark specializes in custom fitness and wellness training for all ages and abilities. His philosophy is ‘Life is everything that happens while we are not working out.’ So do just enough with Mark to be able to do all the things you love to do in Bend…. with more capacity, confidence, ability, and enjoyment!